Response to North Triennial Property Assessments and Tax Bills
For questions contact: Angelina Romero, Chief Communications Officer
Cook County Assessor’s Office
312-256-1724 /
Response to North Triennial Property Assessments and Tax Bills
In 2022, the Assessor’s Office reassessed Cook County's north suburbs.
As a result of the Assessor’s reassessment, north suburban property assessments increased a
total of 30% for residential properties and 38% for non-residential properties. A combination of
higher real estate values and new construction has contributed to this growth. Property
assessments are based on current market value, meaning what could a property owner sell
their home for in today’s market.
Although the Assessor’s Office places value on properties, they are not the final arbiter of
appeals and assessment changes. The Board of Review, an assessment appeal agency,
changed residential AV by -2% and non-residential AV by -20%. As a result of the Board of
Review’s work, the final growth in north suburban assessments was 28% for residential
properties and 11% for non-residential properties.
Because growth in residential properties outpaced non-residential assessed values, this shifted
who pays what share of property taxes.
Assessments and appeals are not the only factors that determine the amount of property taxes.
A key component is the local tax rate, which is partially determined by the total property tax
revenue (levy) each local taxing body, like municipalities and school districts, needs to collect
from property taxpayers.
Other factors affecting tax bills include Tax Increment Financing districts and an Illinois property
tax law that allows taxing districts to “recapture” or recover the total of any taxes refunded to
property owners who appealed their taxes the previous year.